Zubeda Bahari Bhai

"You’re the one who make my dreams come true."
My name is Zubeda Bahari Bhai, I was born in 1992 at Chole village, the first born in the family of five. Chole Island is the smallest island in Mafia district. I [am] very proud to be born at this Island since there are lots of historical sites such as ruins which were used by people [who] lived in Chole many years ago. So many foreigners came at Chole Island to look at those ruins. Also in this beautiful island there are many interesting things, among of them are bats, and good weather condition since this island is surrounded by ocean. So I welcome visitors from inside and out of Tanzania so they can see and enjoy interesting and wonderful things of Chole Island.
My education journey started in 1998 at Chole primary school and I completed in 2005. I was among of 27 students selected to continue with secondary education at Kitomondo secondary school where I completed my ordinary level education in 2009. Thereafter I selected to continue with advanced education at Ifunda Girls High School in Iringa region and I was the only girl among 10 students who passed the examinations. I was very happy to get that chance and starting to think that my dreams start to succeed.
I completed my advanced education in 2012 and selected to continue with university studies at St John’s University of Tanzania at Dodoma region. I was taking Bachelor of Science with Education (BSc Ed). Mathematics was my major and Chemistry as my minor subject.
Well! I receive laptop computer from Chole Trust Fund once I started my university studies. That computer was helpful in my whole university life since I used it in many activities such as typing, searching materials from the internet and so many things, hence it help to minimise cost and make my university life. When our teachers give us an assignment I used my computer to search material from the internet and type by myself. I’m happy to get the computer because I learn lots of things through it.
During the period of my studies there were many people watch over me and help me in one way or another. Thanks my family, CSWD and Harambee Committee for their support that helped me to fulfil my dream. Without your support I could not be able to reach where I reached. May almighty God give you power to continue to help other students so as they can achieve their goals.
I really proud and feel great being a first woman graduated from Chole Island and this means that women can make it once we get strong support like what I got. Up to now I finished my university studies and I’m at home waiting for the government employment as mathematics and chemistry teacher.
During my studies I faced many challenges. The biggest come up once I started secondary education, because the language used at primary school is Kiswahili while at secondary school is English so that was my biggest challenge. I tried to my level best to overcome this challenge and at the end of the day everything went okay. My advice to Chole students is they have to learn English before starting secondary education otherwise they will be in trouble.
Another challenge was insufficiency of reading materials such as books. In many government schools there are lack of reading materials so I used to borrow books from my fellow students so that I can gain more experience since I was taking science subject so more practice is needed to pass the examination. My advice to students from Chole is that they have [to] study hard because life is not simple as they think, and in this world without education you will remain be a servant and you won’t have a good life at the future.
Finally I say thank you Harambee Committee for your help because you’re the one who make my dreams come true and I beg you to continue help me because I have a plan to take masters few years to come. I will inform you once I [am] ready for that so that you can give me your support and I will be so thankfully.
Nothing more to say than wishing you all the best in all things you do. I have nothing to pay you but God may do. Thank you and God bless you
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